There are a few important notes to remember prior to your appointment (to assist you in the safe healing & longevity of your tattoo enhancement)
♥ If you are booked in for a Medical Tattoo, you are required to provide a Dr/Surgeons clearance letter prior to your appointment. You can email or text a print screen of this letter (you can also bring the hard copy with you to the appointment). Your Medical Tattoo appointment will not proceed without a clearance letter/email
why? your Dr/Surgeon is up to date with the history of your last surgery and has monitored the healing process of the scar area/s during your follow up consultations (or if there has been previous history of infections).
♥ Please refrain from taking any blood thinners, Vitamins (particularly vitamin A or E) or Fish/Omega 3 oils at least 1 week prior to your appointment. Please consult with your Doctor if you are unsure about stopping any vitamins/medication
why? some vitamins/medication may cause additional swelling/bleeding during & after treatment. In some cases, successful pigment retention (to its full capacity) may be affected
♥ Please avoid alcohol the day before & on the day of your appointment
why? alcohol may cause additional swelling/bleeding during or post treatment. In some cases, successful pigment retention (to its full capacity) may be affected
♥ Please limit caffeine the day of your appointment
why? caffeine may cause additional swelling/bleeding. In some cases, successful pigment retention (to its full capacity) may be affected
♥ Please refrain from waxing at least 3 days before your scheduled appointment
why? with more hair available, it does assist with creating a more natural eyebrow tattoo. If you do need to wax, it is recommended that you leave as much hair as you are able to around your eyebrow shape
♥ Please wear a bra to your 3D Medical Tattoo/Areola Re-Pigmentation appointment
why? a gauze dressing will be placed on the tattooed area to avoid infection
♥ Prior to you scheduled appointment, please advise if any of the below refer to you. This information is crucial as it may/may not affect whether you are able to proceed with your appointment:
deep skin blemishes, skin conditions (Eczema, Psoriasis, Rosacea etc), deep open pores, deep wrinkles, raised moles, excessive oily skin, pregnant or breast feeding or any other type of skin scarring (incl. Keloid scarring)
♥ Prior to you scheduled appointment, please advise if any of the below medical conditions refer to you. This information is crucial as it may/may not affect whether you are able to proceed with your appointment:
Heart Conditions, Diabetes, Trichotillomania, Glaucoma or currently undergoing Chemotherapy or Radiation treatment
♥ Please book any facial treatments (anti-wrinkle injectables, dermal filler etc) 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after your tattoo treatment. For lip tattoo, it is recommended that you book your tattoo treatment first (before any lip injections)
why? to allow the anti-wrinkle injectables or dermal filler to settle in. Also, the rotating movement of the tattoo machine may affect where the anti-wrinkle injectable or dermal filler was placed
♥ Please refrain from booking facial treatments, laser treatments or chemical treatments at least 6 weeks prior & 6 weeks after your appointment.
why? your skin may be highly sensitive after facial treatments, laser treatments or chemical treatments. It is important that the skin has time to heal from the after effects of these treatments
♥ If you take Roaccutane (or Retin-A), it is highly recommended that you wait at least 1 year before considering a medical or cosmetic tattoo
why? the treatment may severely scar your skin & you may also be highly sensitive during & post treatment
♥ Please refrain from tinting your eyebrows, wearing fake tan or being sunburnt at least 2 weeks prior your appointment
why? tinting, fake tan & sunburn will not give a true indication of your natural skin tone. This is an essential aspect to your treatment when colour matching pigments to suit your skin. Sun burn may also irritate your skin
♥ Prior to your Eyeliner Tattoo, please check with your Doctor/Optometrist/Ophthalmologist if you can proceed with your eyeliner tattoo appointment. If you have extra-sensitive eyes, watery eyes, tear duct conditions, severe allergies or have recently had eye surgery, this may affect your treatment
why? In some cases, successful pigment retention (to its full capacity) may be affected due to the natural production of saline/salt water that our eyes produce
♥ Please refrain from any eyebrow/eyelash serums or treatments for at least 3-6 months before your appointment
why? such treatments/serums promote circulation & hair growth, this may cause the skin to be extra sensitive as well as cause additional bleeding during treatment
♥ If you require a refresh tattoo appointment & you have had a medical or cosmetic tattoo previously by another artist, you will need to send a close-up picture of the tattoo that requires a refresh
why? so that I can advise if I am able to remove, correct or cover the tattoo. In some cases, I may not be able to proceed with any treatments
♥ Please do not wear contact lenses on the day of your appointment. Please wear/bring your glasses only (eyeliner treatment only)
♥ Please refrain from booking eyelash extension appointments for at least 2 weeks after your appointment (eyeliner treatment only)
♥ Please exfoliate and moisturise your lips every few days up until the morning of your appointment - up to 2 weeks prior (lip treatment only)
♥ If you are susceptible to cold sores, it is recommended that you speak to your Doctor or Pharmacist about taking your usual cold sore medication (e.g. Famvir or L-Lysine). This may prevent a breakout pre & post treatment (lip treatment only)
♥ Please advise if you need to bring a support person to your appointment (children under the age of 16 are not able to attend appointments due to maintain infection control requirements)
why? whilst at most times, this request can be accommodated, it is important that the support person is fully aware that that the artistic process that takes place between the artist & the client cannot be interrupted (or interfered with unnecessarily)
♥ If your appointment is within a hospital or a surgeons office, you will most likely be required to wear a mask to enter the hospital (or in the waiting room of the clinic).
Wearing a mask during your treatment is optional.
Your appointment can take up to 2 - 2.5 hours. Please feel free to bring your phone, ear phones and your favourite songs/books so that you can enjoy some well-deserved time out!